
Anthony AW

i love you as

the day goes still

i am never enough

you text me, say:


the day goes still

we keep typing &

you text me. say?

i have every(single)thing


for you. keep typing 

&why don’t we

have everything we want? 

do we love what


we lack? what spills 

over goes i love

you as(much)as we don’t 

say what is enough.



Anthony AW (@an__o__) is an LA-based writer. Their work has been or will be published in Drunk Monkeys, FIVE:2:ONE, Kissing Dynamite, Riggwelter Press, Rogue Agent, & elsewhere. Anthony took part in "Poets at Work" with Terry Wolverton from 2017-2018. They currently host tête-à-tête, a queer reading series at Book Show in Highland Park.