rush, rush

michael chang

Calling all

armchair/Monday morning quarterbacks

Backseat drivers

Couch potatoes

Warriors/lovers of the weekend

Why are y’all reviled?

I want someone beautiful & terrifying,

self-destructive tendencies but no cavities

Unchallenged, nay, unmolested by the law,

kind enough to offer his fleece,

fix me dinner, join the protest

Really into manual labor,

manicured hands/feet from a magazine

Superb ass, adored by shorts,

slippery tongue breaking curfew

I want someone indulging my skin,

wondering why haven’t I tasted this before?

Don’t let me get side-tracked y’all

This is a poem abt blowjobs

Michael Chang (they/them) is the proud recipient of fellowships from Lambda Literary, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, Brooklyn Poets, & the Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. Their writing has been published or is forthcoming in the Cincinnati Review, Summerset Review, Vassar Review, Minnesota Review, Santa Clara Review, Ninth Letter, Hobart, Poet Lore, The Nervous Breakdown, & many others. Their collection <golden fleece> was a finalist for the Iowa Review Award in Poetry.